Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Journey to a new place...South Korea

As salam..
hi there..thanks  for still keep visiting my page...it's very pleasure and i'm really appreciate it..
but sad to say..i'll stop for a while all my craft and sewing activities since i'm now far away from my home sweet home...as my previous entry..i did mention that my hubby has been offered an opportunity to work abroad..now..me and the children followed his path..:)
Alhamdulillah..after 2 months waiting for the visa application process..it is blessed that we could finally gathered together again....^_^..
here are some pics for your viewing..enjoy the pics..;)

waiting for boarding time...

arrival at Incheon Airport @ 7.00++ a.m @ 2degrees celcius...next destination..Gimpo Airport..

look at the koreans..they're trying to catch an attention of my kids..but none of them successful to approach them..;)

my beloved sweetheart..fly along the way to home picking us..pity on him for lack of rest...really appreciate your sacrifice dear..:)

my cuteness one getting tired of the long journey..overall we have to change flight 3 times to reach our destination..

in 1st week settling..out for a walk around the compound...:)

all i could say...i love the surrounding..the weather (spring has just begin..;)..the warm people...

a new life begin...thou..i'll miss my home sweet home much..^_^

since my own camera (the one that i used to take my craft photo) are now handed over to my sister in law..there will not much of craft project photos that i could posted here...but i hope you do keep in track with me...until then..


Monday, March 5, 2012

Baju Kurung Nursing

hi uols..hope semuanya ceria2 selalu ye..:)
diam xdiam..dh msuk bulan Mac utk thn 2012 ni..rasa terlalu cepat masa berlalu skrg...
dan byk benda jgk yg kita semua lalui..:)
walau apa pun ianya..harap kt semua menerima semuanya dgn tabah sbg asam garam dalam kehidupan..
hmm..xnk merapu pnjg2..sy nk share koleksi2 tempahan yg blum lg sy upload..
another nursing wear n tote bag..kedua2nya ditempah oleh org yg sma...jom enjoy the pics..;)..

Baju kurung moden dgn kain lipat..

bukaan menyusu..

baju kurung pahang dgn kain lipat

bukaan menyusu..

tote bag serbaguna..

dua poket tepi di sebelah luar..

zip di sblh atas..

bhgn dalam..4 poket tambahan...

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Tutorial : Crochet Flower + Beads Brooch

Hi all..thanks for being loyal visiting my blog..:)
and due to that..i've thinking to give some tutorial for you : a crochet flower + beads brooch..
i made this crochet flower as a trial n error..so if you find the instructions below doesn't seem right..you could adjusted it accordingly..just enjoy exploring all the possibility..^_^..below pictures is the brooch that i mean.. very easy to made..;)

the completed brooch..

 all you need in making the brooch :
- crochet needle (i'm using no 4, you can used wherever needle you have..=))
- 4 ply crochet yarn
-beads (up to your favourite)
- brooch pin

abbreviation :
- chain = ch
- single crochet = sc
- double crochet = dc
- slip stitch = sl st
- * = repeat

Beginning : ch 5, sl st to the 1st ch making a ring.
Round 1 : ch 1, make 10 sc in a ring, sl st to the 1st sc.
Round 2 : (ch 3, skip 1 sc, sl st to the next sc, ch 3, skip 1sc, sl st to the next sc)*, you'll make 5 spaces once you finished the round.

spaces for the petal..

 Round 3 : ch 3, 1 sc, 2 dc, 1 sc, ch 3, sl st in the 1st space, by repeat the same step, finished all the 5 space, sl st. left few tail for securing your pin n beads, as per picture below.

outer tail is using to secure the pin, center tail is for the bead..

this is how its look like when the pin had been attached. I just using an ordinary pin..it all i have in my keeping..;P..and i don't bother since it will be out of view..=P..

attached the main beads using the center tail...

by using the appropriate needle (mine is size 11 needle for beading), sewn the others small beads by stringing the beads to the thread (ensure it is suffice to surround the main bead).

insert the needle to the 1st bead and turn down..then from below, turn up the needle again, and ensure your needle should be in between the small beads and the main bead.

again, turn down your needle on outside area of the small beads..not too far, just enough to secure the beads from slanting..do the same step around, until you secured sufficiently your small beads..

till then, cya in my next entry..hope you could understand my tutorial and make one for yours..;)..
any queries..just leave your comment below...^_^..

p/s : please note that English is not my mother tongued..so, there might lots of mistake here and there..just ignored..^_>!!..

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Selembut Si Merah Jambu..

thanks to uolss sbb msh sudi berkunjung ke halaman ini..
hmm..harini sje nak upload hasil seni sulam manik yg pernah sy jjikan dahulu..
busana persalinan nikah untuk sahabat baik sy..
dh lama sgt tertunda utk sy upload gmbr2 tersebut..so hrp uolss enjoy ye..:)

veil yg diberi sentuhan ringkas..

tampalan lace secara menyeluruh dibhg lengan dh bwh baju..
baju kurung moden..

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Messenger Bag for my Dearest Hubby..^_^

lama btul blog ni sy tinggalkan..bukan xdijengah..cme tiada mood utk mencatatkan apa2 disini kerana sibuk dgn beberapa perkara..harini sy nk amik kesempatan menyapu sawang2 yg dh mula melekat disini..hehehe..dah hampir kepenghujung bulan kedua dlm thn 2012...Alhamdulillah..Syiefa Collection mula dikenali dan menerima tempahan dari kenalan jauh dan dekat..:)..namun berita gembira yg diterima dari en.hubby penghujung tahun lepas benar2 membuatkan sy agak kelam kabut...syukur yang xterhingga apabila en.hubby mendapat offer utk bekerja diluar negara..dlm masa yg sme juga Syiefa Collection mula dihujani dgn pertnyaan tempahan...dan sy terpaksa melepaskan tempahan2 tersebut kerana ingin fokus pd persiapan penghijrahan en.hubby...dan sekarang..sy boleh merasa lega sedikit..kerana en.hubby telah pun selamat smpi kedestinasi dn hmpir sebulan memulakan tugas barunya...dan kesempatan ini sy gunakan utk berkongsi dgn anda semua..hasil2 kerja tgn sy yg blum smpt lg sy upload...harap anda semua mendapat inspirasi dr apa yg sy kongsikan disini..^_^..

made from fabric and felt for interlining...gnekan special stitches yg ada kat mesin je utk embelishment..nama tu letak sbb en.hubby sdr yg request..;)..

adjustable strap..ringnya tu amik dr strap beg2 free yg dh xpki lagi..hehehe..recycle je..;)..

extra big pocket di bhgn luar..fasten by using velcro only..;)..

with zipper..

two pocket inside